COP26 kicks off
Frankie the velociraptor dinosaur speaks at the UN Assembly and gives us a clear message from his experience: “Don’t choose extinction”, #DontChooseExtinction. What will we humans do?
Frankie the velociraptor dinosaur speaks at the UN Assembly and gives us a clear message from his experience: “Don’t choose extinction”, #DontChooseExtinction. What will we humans do?
The key to empowering your students in climate action is to avoid resorting to the climate apocalypse and focus on positive messages about what we can do to win the battle.
Do you want to show your students how your municipality, a forest or a glacier has changed? Now you can investigate together how the planet has changed in the last 37 years and wonder why. The pose is changing and now we can see it on video.
¿Quieres enseñarles a tus alumnos cómo ha cambiado vuestro municipio, un bosque o un glaciar? Ahora podéis investigar juntos cómo ha cambiado el planeta en los últimos 37 años y preguntaros porqué. El plantea está cambiando y ahora lo podemos ver en vídeo.
Para celebrar el Día Mundial de la Educación Ambiental, Educaclima os regala un ScapeRoom sobre cambio climático, energías limpias y eficiencia energética.
Para celebrar el Día Mundial de la Educación Ambiental, Educaclima os regala un ScapeRoom sobre cambio climático, energías limpias y eficiencia energética.
A real and firm commitment is needed from international governments to fight against climate change.
The 7th International Fair will take place in June in Madrid, Spain, organised by IFEMA.
EducaClima makes it easy for you to introduce Climate Change and Sustainability in a way that is attractive, useful and cross-cutting in the classroom and at home.
Do you know when it happens in the northern hemisphere? How about the southern hemisphere? And how about when it ends in both? Do you think this has anything to do with the climate?